is my entry for The Writer 2014 on the platform of The Naked Convos and
First bank nig plc.. Sadly, I didn't get picked as a finalist. It's too
amateurish of me, atink. lol Well, the theme is centered around HUMILITY.
Do have a look people, see you at the other side.
The First Award.
Just about the sun setting into the womb of the West, Tamunu ambled out
of the thick forest that bordered Awa village. In it, he had wandered since day
break, rummaging for animals. He bore a terrible look . He seemed ridded of the last dose of energy in him. A
bad day for a hunt, evidenced by the content of his satchel (two meager
squirrels) and the toil with which they were fetched. He weaved his way into
the narrow footpath leading to the village stream.
The breeze of air around the stream
was all he needed. Life has thrown him a few curves, recently. He needed to
evaluate his life, the best he could afford himself. Hot on the heels of his
thought for evaluation was another, a recollection of his first ever award.
Until a fortnight ago, no one knew
Tamunu. Or perhaps, being known was never his thing. He bears a reserved
outlook to life, such rarity. Well, as the fortune of his ancestors would have
him become, he was summoned before the village head. It was that time of the
year for the annual Awa festival and his fellow kinsmen had deemed him fit for
one of the awards of the day.
‘’ The most humble‘’, it was tagged.
What for, why me?
Those are the questions someone of
his ilk is wonted to ask. He did ask them, really. He wished for answers, he
got none. He baulked at the award, his efforts were all in futility.
In the nick of time, the festival
brimmed to its full. Tamunu was celebrated, well decorated too, more than he
could bear. More than he could harbour, the joy of being laurelled gripped him..
The award tugged him into an ecstatic state till he vocally flaunted it in the
face of villagers –
‘’My humility is greater than yours,
can you beat that?’’
He went on and on asking. Alas,
Tamunu got an answer to his question this time. The village head ordered that
he be stripped of the award, forthwith. It was his first award and it had only
lasted few minutes.
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