Wednesday 4 September 2013

Solemn assembly.

when our revered vicar
as was his duty
mounted the pulpit place
on his priestly regalia
-the one that regularly lures me into the clerical profession-
it was or a different mounting
that Sunday

we knew no less, as it was later confirmed
with streams of hot perspirations 
running swiftly on his face
they seemed to have evolved
from a boiling, within
at the lingering,
unspeakable and defaming scandals that have hitherto 
rocked the church
in a dwindling state -an effete in its efficacy 

mouthed before they were voiced, 
the words were glutted out
at us, from him,
our revered vicar  
hard-hitting, clonal versions too,
of the verses
the lector had read earlier
meeting hearts, piercing same at will

this air of eeriness
- solemn assembly -
greeted and beat us, demandingly even.
we were chuffed by it, in our differing ways
ooosssheeeeey(s) were chorused
 audeshi(s) muffled too
then, was our vicar glad
he had made all hearts to talk

            *oooosheeey and *audeshi are Nigerian colloquial words for thumb up and dusted in that order.

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